Chainsaw Gear: An Overview

Chainsaw Gear: An Overview

At Douglas Forest and Garden, we are one of Ireland’s leading suppliers of chainsaw gear. We’ve written extensively on our range of supplies. Here’s a breakdown of some of our offerings.

Forestry Equipment Supplies

We’ve written about our range as a forestry equipment supplier. This includes everything you’re going to need on the job. This includes PPE gear to climbing equipment, including rigging, climbing harnesses etc.

Chainsaw Gear

We’ve written posts on how to find the right chainsaw. Your needs will vary depending on what you need the chainsaw for. If you’re using this domestically, you can get a lot of work done with a smaller saw with fewer features. You might also benefit from a battery-powered model. Thes are much lighter and easier to handle, but the downside is that the battery will typically need to be switched after 15-20 minutes of use. When you have a chainsaw, you’re going to need to maintain it, and part of that is you will need a new chainsaw chain from time to time. You’re also going to need a new bar.


One of the most important things you can have when using a chainsaw is PPE. PPE is about staying safe. Things can go seriously wrong in just a fraction of a second. For this reason having the appropriate trousers, gloves and boots can save your life or prevent life-changing injuries. Good quality Chainsaw Pants can save your life. Having a pair that balances comfort with protection is essential if you’re also working for longer periods of time, or during periods of higher temperatures. This can include Type A chainsaw pants, which will protect your front only but allow for more breathability in the rear. This is suitable for working on the ground, where you are able to position yourself better in relation to the cutting blade. Type C, on the other hand, provides all-round protection and is essential if you are working from height, as there is a greater risk of losing control of the saw and having it make contact with you in unpredictable ways. If you need a saw for concrete, we now have petrol and battery-powered Consaws as part of our arsenal of equipment.

If you have any questions about our range of products, you can always give us a call on 021 4965132