Reshaping Your Hedging with a Trimmer

Reshaping Your Hedging with a Trimmer

The trick to reshaping your hedging with a trimmer is to do so before it gets out of control and weeds begin to build up. Depending on the plant you have, this may be around every 2-3 months during the summer and a bit later during the winter and autumn.

What Hedgetrimmer should you use?

The hedgetrimmer you select should be based on a few factors. Do you have large hedging in a large yard or garden, or is it a smaller area? Naturally, a professional who is doing this work for hours each week will want to get the best machine available.

Another consideration is handling. Some people have reduced mobility or health concerns which make handling a heavy, vibrating machine over shoulder height very difficult or painful. If this applies to you, you might want to consider a cordless or battery-powered hedgetrimmer such as the Stihl HSA 56. This is significantly lighter owing to the removal of the combustion engine.

Get your hedges and shrubs back in order

The easiest way to get things back in order is to start with the sheering in the obvious overgrowth first. Once you have the largest branches and leaves out of the way you will have a better sense of what you’re dealing with and can make more refined trims from there.

You can define the areas of the hedge you wish to cut using two pieces of rope tied at the upper and lower parts of the hedge. The guideline will help ensure you don’t go overboard with the cutting.

Reshaping Your Hedging: Keep healthy growth in mind

You may need to prune close to the ground and make sure there’s space for sunlight to get to the foliage.

Take your time

It’s very easy to get overly excited with a strimmer. It pays to step back, walk around and ask yourself, “Is this enough?” It’s very easy to make one or two chops too many and be left with a woody stump embarrassing your garden! If you are questioning yourself, take the cautious approach and leave that little bit of growth sit there overnight. You can always come back if it still looks like it needs a trim in the morning.

If you have any questions about our range of products, you can always give us a call on 021 4965132